Friday, 29 March 2013

Percy & Reed in Glamour

Hello! So I have a wonderful 4 days off work thanks to the Easter bank holidays so on my way home yesterday I decided to treat myself to a magazine. There's not one magazine I'm subscribed to or have to purchase every time a new issue comes out. I'll just randomly decide to pick one up and my decision of which one to get is usually based on which one I think has the best free gift that month. This time I decided to go for Glamour as it comes with a free Percy & Reed hair product.

There are 4 Percy & Reed gifts to choose from including:
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner 
  • Finishing Polish
  • Volumising Oil

I picked Glamour up at my local Sainsbury's and there was only a few copies left. The leftover copies had either the Conditioner or the Volumising Oil as the free gift so I went for the "Smoothed, Sealed & Sensational Volumising No Oil Oil (for fine hair)" (Wow, catchy name...)

According to the Percy & Reed website, the full size version of this product (60ml) is £14 so I think it's a pretty good deal to get a 30ml sample free in a £2 magazine. Personally, I've never tried any Percy & Reed products and I'm always looking for ways to give my hair a little boost so I'm looking forward to giving this a go (it also smells great).

Have you ever tried any Percy & Reed hair products?

Thanks for reading.


  1. hi dear! thank your for visiting and commenting on my blog..would you like to follow each other? let me know

  2. hi again! I just realized you were already following apologies..i am now following you as well :)

  3. I wish the Glamours in the U.S. came with free samples!

    1. Do they not?! That's rubbish!
      Checked out your blog and followed you x
