Sunday, 31 March 2013

New Look March Wishlist

Too often I find myself online 'window shopping', lusting after clothes, accessories and make up. Today was no exception. I found myself browsing through the New Look website and before I knew it I had created a wishlist of 19 'Saved items'.

Here are a few things that caught my eye:

1) Tenki Cream and Brown Horse Print Dress - £19
I think this little dress is so cute! I really like the gold buckle on the belt so you could match it with gold jewellery as I generally prefer that to silver.

2) Black Retro Floral Button Up Playsuit - £19.99
I've only ever had one playsuit before but I loved it! Playsuits are great on windy days to save you flashing your knickers to everyone like you might in a dress! However one downside to playsuits is when you need to nip to the loo. Having to get half naked to pee is not ideal on a night out! I love the vibrant colours from the floral design against the black background on this piece.

3) Parisian Flocked Floral Lace Skater Dress - £29.99
I love lace and think this dress is so pretty. One thing I particularly like about this dress is the sleeves. I don't really like my arms, and when I wear things with short sleeves (like the two previous pieces) I will always wear something on top, like a blazer or cardigan. Because of the sleeves on this I think I would feel comfortable wearing it on it's own. This dress is available in three colours: Off White, Cream & Shell Pink.

4) Gold Monochrome Enamel Chain Necklace - £7.99
Most of the necklace I own are on long, thin chains with some sort of pendant on the end. I don't really have any like this. Short and chunky necklaces seem to be everywhere at the moment and I thought this loop chain design would look cool against a plain background and under a collar.

5) Grey Satchel Buckle Bag - £19.99
I love this bag. I think it would go well with so many different outfits. I wear a lot of black so the contrast black piping is perfect for me. I think this bag is a great size for an everyday bag - not too big or too small - and I also love the long strap option which can make it more casual. The zip and clasp fastening are also great to help keep your belongings nice and secure.

6) Pink and Gold Deco Plate Necklace - £8.99
Going back to the short and chunky necklace theme, I also loved this one! I love the gold double chain and the soft colours are so pretty. I also just think the design and shape of this is really cool!

Please note links will expire when the item is no longer available.

What items are on your current wishlists?

Happy Easter and thanks for reading.

Friday, 29 March 2013

Percy & Reed in Glamour

Hello! So I have a wonderful 4 days off work thanks to the Easter bank holidays so on my way home yesterday I decided to treat myself to a magazine. There's not one magazine I'm subscribed to or have to purchase every time a new issue comes out. I'll just randomly decide to pick one up and my decision of which one to get is usually based on which one I think has the best free gift that month. This time I decided to go for Glamour as it comes with a free Percy & Reed hair product.

There are 4 Percy & Reed gifts to choose from including:
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner 
  • Finishing Polish
  • Volumising Oil

I picked Glamour up at my local Sainsbury's and there was only a few copies left. The leftover copies had either the Conditioner or the Volumising Oil as the free gift so I went for the "Smoothed, Sealed & Sensational Volumising No Oil Oil (for fine hair)" (Wow, catchy name...)

According to the Percy & Reed website, the full size version of this product (60ml) is £14 so I think it's a pretty good deal to get a 30ml sample free in a £2 magazine. Personally, I've never tried any Percy & Reed products and I'm always looking for ways to give my hair a little boost so I'm looking forward to giving this a go (it also smells great).

Have you ever tried any Percy & Reed hair products?

Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Hello! First post!

Welcome to Pretty Purchases. I’ve been reading beauty/fashion blogs for a while now and I’ve decided to have a go myself. I first got into reading these blogs after watching beauty videos on YouTube. For my first post, I thought I’d do a ‘Get to know me’ tag which consists of 21 questions. I’ve seen this tag (or similar) on many videos and thought it would be a good post to start with.

The 21 questions:

1) Are you named after anyone? 
My first name is Julie which isn’t after anyone. As far as I know my parents just picked it because they liked it. My middle name is Elizabeth which is after my godmother who is my mum’s best friend.

2) When was the last time you cried?
I actually can’t remember! I really don’t cry that often. I don’t think I’ve ever properly cried at a film or TV programme or anything. Don’t get me wrong I’ve teared up a little, but I’ve never completely bawled. This is probably because I deliberately try to avoid sad films. I know some people love a good cry over a tearjerker but personally I don’t see the appeal!

3) Do you have kids? 
No I don’t. I’m only 19 and I personally don’t want kids any time soon but hopefully one day I will have them.

4) If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? 
I’d like to think so. I try to be a nice person and hope I’m easy to get along with (apart from being shy and awkward).

5) Do you use sarcasm a lot? 
Yeah, I’m quite a sarcastic person a lot of the time (as much as my mum hates it).

6) Will you ever bungee-jump?
Probably not! I’d love to say I was really brave and spontaneous but I’m really not. I’m sure I’m far too boring to ever do anything like that!

7) What's your favourite cereal? 
Kellogg's Coco Pops Coco Rocks - a very mature and healthy choice. ;)

8) What's the first thing you notice about people? 
I’ve been trying to think about this and I’m honestly not really sure. I think I just notice their overall appearance rather than one specific feature. But if I had to pick one then I’d probably say teeth.

9) What is your eye colour? 
Blue (Nothing else to say on this really).

10) Scary movie or happy endings? 
Happy endings :) my favourite types of movies are comedies, rom-coms and chick flicks. I literally never watch scary films.

11) Favourite smells? 
Hmm I’m not really sure. I really like the smell of petrol (even though it’s apparently bad for you) or fresh cut grass (how original). But then there is obviously a lot of nice perfumes and stuff so them too.

12) Summer or winter? 
Well, here in Scotland we really don’t get much of a summer. No matter what time of year it is its usually pretty cold (and probably raining). I like winter because of Christmas and New Year (and my birthdays in November in case you were wondering).

13) Computer or television?
Definitely computer. I spend far too much time on YouTube and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. There are a few TV shows I like watching but even then I’ll often just watch them online.

14) What's the furthest you've ever been from home?
Tenerife. I went there for a week last August with my best friend. Before then I had never been abroad, on a plane or even owned a passport!

15) Do you have any special talents?
No I don’t think so :( if I do I haven’t discovered them yet.

16) Where were you born? 
I was born in Scotland and I still live here now. :)

17) What are your hobbies? 
Going out with friends, going to the cinema and stuff.

18) Do you have any pets?
Yes I do :) I have three dogs. One crossbreed and two border collies.

19) Favourite movie?
I think I say something different every time I get asked this. I really like the film Sliding Doors. As much as I like it though it’s not a film I could watch over and over again so I wouldn’t really say it’s my favourite. I love all the Harry Potter films too. I think my favourite film just depends on what mood I’m in at the time.

20)Do you have any siblings?
Yeah. I am the oldest of three. I have two younger sisters who are 17 and 13.

21) What do you want to be when you grow up?
I really have no idea! Right now I can’t imagine where I’ll be in say 5/10 years’ time. I’ve considered a few different things but I’ve never really settled on anything for any length of time. I’m sure something will work out!

 So there you have it – my first post. Thanks if you took the time to read it :) Hopefully my future posts will be a bit more exciting and with pictures and stuff! Oooh fancy!